XO Kitty Review

A whole year in Korea without any parents! What could possibly go wrong? There’s a new hot series put on Netflix called Xo Kitty. It is about a girl named Katherine Covey and her nickname is Kitty. She applied to a Korean Boarding school when she found out that her late mother went there. Kitty wanted to learn more about her late mother since she died when she was little.


The series opens up to Kitty finding out she got accepted into the K.I.S.S school. She was on a mission now to get her dad to agree to her going to Korea. Once she succeeded she now had to prepare to travel to Korea. When she arrives she gets lost and has to navigate her new life in Korea. 

As soon as she arrives she sees multiple locations that her mom took photos at and she immediately feels more connected to her late mother. But she is also hit with many challenges along the way. XO Kitty is an amazing representation of love, loss, and growth.

The writer, Jenny Han`s choice of writing can showcase Kitty`s fun and chaotic nature. While also showing that Kitty can be serious and have hardships that she has to face like every other teengager. It was refreshing to see how the series was not all about Kitty having fun and how she can reflect on memories of her mom, while trying to learn more about her at the same time.  

I really enjoyed watching XO Kitty, and loved seeing the culture of Korea. It was a beautiful rollercoaster watching Kitty figure out her life in Korea and getting to know more about her late mother. I highly recommend it.