Dunki is an Indian Hindi-language comedy/drama film based on the term “donkey flight,” an illegal immigration technique. This movie was released December 21, 2023, directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced by Rajkumar Hirani, Jyoti Deshpande, and Gauri Khan. This movie is also available on Netflix. This movie stars India’s Bollywood king, Shah Rukh Khan along with Taapsee Panu, Vicky Kaushal, Anil Grover, and Boman Irani. Dunki highlights the struggles of foreigners, who are not familiar with the English language, as they travel overseas to create a better life for themselves and their families. However their journey to a new life was not an easy one.
Manu, the female lead, and her friends really wanted to go to London, England for better opportunities and a better life. They believed that moving to London would remove all of their fears and struggles in life. They tried their best to obtain a Visa, a permit to enter a specific country, but none of them filled the requirements. This discouraged them, as leaving India and moving to London was their only dream. They were determined to do whatever it would take to go to London, to seize that new life and opportunity they were waiting for. So they decided to risk it, they risked their money, time, and efforts in order to get a Visa. The train blew and his hair was luscious as the breeze blew on his face. His entrance, on a speedway train, presenting Shah Rukh Khan! The male lead he plays as a man named Hardy Singh and his mission was to reach Manu’s village and return a special belonging to someone who once saved his life in the military. Hardy Singh was an army soldier that served in the Indian army. Once he came to Manu’s village, the first time they met was when Manu was in a fight with her boss. He was about to punch the girl, but Hardy defended the girl and wrestled the man. This was when Hardy Singh, Manu and her friends decided to become very close.
Hardy made a big impact on their lives, he inspired them to reach for their London dream. They heard from someone in the village that they could go to London a different way, through an IELTS exam. This exam is an English speaking exam which is done for obtaining a student visa. The group wanted to obtain a student visa, so they tried their hardest to learn English. They attended classes that did not help them speak English, instead made them sing silly songs such as “I want to go to the lavatory.” One student even complained to the teacher that his teachings were not helping them learn English, the professor did not care. One day the teacher called on Hardy to answer a question in English. He tried his hardest but failed, everyone made fun of him and called him a joke. But Manu stood up for him, she mentioned how he was an amazing man, a soldier, a brave man who served his country. Hardy was so touched that he fell in love with her from that day on.
As the IELTS exams began, the students were struggling to speak English. None of them knew how to properly pronounce words, form sentences, or speak proper English. After the exams, the results came out a while later. All of them failed, except for their friend named Balli. He passed the exam and he then moved to London! His friends were so proud, but the intention of them also moving to London, was still weighing on them. The teacher brought up another method to go to London, pulling on a Dunki.
For people who love a good movie that includes romance, comedy, and a bit of drama, I recommend that you take the time to enjoy this movie. In my opinion I enjoyed watching this movie because of its captivating story line and humor throughout the movie. The emotions evoked throughout the film really intrigued me to continue watching, and experience the whole new perspective of how those who are willing to change their lives go to great lengths to do so.