Kung Fu Panda is an animated film series starring the main character Po, a clumsy, charismatic panda who dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master, when he is unexpectedly chosen as the Dragon Warrior with no experience. Guided by Master Shifu, he trains with the Furious Five and defeats villains to save his home, the Valley of Peace and bring peace. He goes on a long adventure and ultimately in Kung Fu Panda 4, he is given the role position to be the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace. Trouble is storming when rumors rise of TaiLung, his previous nemesis, being back and escaping the spirit realm. Panda Po takes charge and investigates, one thing leads to another and he hears about Chameleon, the antagonist, through a sly fox, Zhen. Zhen leads him to ‘Juniper City’ to stop ‘TaiLung’ who was presumed dead.
Chameleon is a sorceress with the ability to shapeshift into others and steal their energy to mimic their abilities. As with every other villain in previous sequels, Chameleon aims for power, recognition, and fame.
Panda Po arrives in Juniper City, into the enemy territory, he gets caught in a trap and betrayed by Zhen, his ‘comrade’, his staff taken and handed to the enemy. The staff has the powers to open the gates to the spirit realm.
My favorite part of the movie was Zhen realizing Chameleon wasn’t someone she wanted to support anymore. Zhen goes to her second family in the underground, “Den of Thieves” asking for help and overthrowing Chameleon. This was also my favorite part because they were all supportive and willing to help, even if it was for the wrong reasons. I loved the Rabbit Trio, they looked so innocent and cute while unveiling their terrorizing aggressive side.
I love the kicks and laughs the movie gives us, this 4th season is easily the top movie of the year. Jack Black voice acting Panda Po really brings out the movie comedy. His acting for Panda Po being full of personality is really addicting and an addition to the comedy in the movie. I think this movie is a success because it’s well paced, not rushed and well thought out. The only thing that concerned me was how Chameleon was defeated so easily even with all the talent she stole from the previous nemeses.
Kung Fu Panda was my childhood and I’m happy to see another movie with a beautiful ending scene. I like how each movie was a journey to see his growth, especially since the recent movie was his last journey as the dragon warrior.