Midterms are formative assessments that are given at the end of a semester and cover material from September to January. They are used to evaluate the student’s progress in the class but could also make or break a student’s grade which adds more pressure and stress on the individual. Therefore, these next few weeks could be considered one of the hardest and most stressful times of the year for students as it’s full of studying what was taught from the beginning of the school year while continuing to attend school and having to keep up with current assignments.
Sometimes the notes might not be enough to fully understand and conceptualize the topic. Many times it is best to apply this information with practice questions similar to what could be on your midterms. Here are some websites that may let you study to ace your midterm!
- Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a personalized resource for all ages and grades that offers practice exercises and instructional videos. This information is all located on a personalized learning dashboard and includes all primary and secondary subjects such as math, economics, art history, and science. They also offer free SAT/ACT prep on the website by working alongside CollegeBoard to assess your strengths and weaknesses on certain topics.
2. Quizlet
Quizlet is another great free resource that helps students create online games and flashcards. This website is a free AI-powered learning platform that focuses on giving every student the tools they need to ace their exams and classes. Students can apply many learning tools such as spaced repetition, retrieval practice, and question types. Spaced repetition can help students remember crucial information long-term by helping them study what they need just before they forget the information. They believe by spreading out their studying times, learning could be made easier and could be “stuck” in your head. Retrieval practice helps with recalling information or retrieving it from memory, so you can remember the information later on. Many flashcards on Quizlet are organized by their question type and ability to help students study effectively.
3. Syvum
Syvum provides students with previous regents exams, along with their answers so that they can test their knowledge on their respective subjects. Students can solve problems interactively to track their progress. This website offers practice regents examinations in sciences, math, language arts, and history.
Similar to Syvum, JMAP offers math practice in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. It breaks each class down into units and topics with worksheets and practice problems based on the level you’re up to. JMAP also provides the correct answers for all the worksheets and practice problems, allowing students to thoroughly check themselves.
5. CastleLearning
Although many teachers already assign castle learning assignments, students are also able to “self-study” many subjects as well. The self-study option allows students to find possible test questions organized by subject to study for their upcoming exams.
As students, we can all take advantage of these free websites to study for our midterms in many subjects as their main goals are to aid students in their skill mastery to establish stronger foundations for learning.